Photo credit: Stacy Katen

Apply for funding

We're here to help support your initiatives in Logan County with grants from $100 - $10,000!

Apply for funding

Apply for an LCCF Grant

To Apply for grant funding from the Logan County Community Foundation,  please review the questions on this page, and Apply by following the link below.

Note: Applications for LCCF Grants are submitted at the link below, which is hosted on the Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation (GNWKCF) website.   Applicants must create an account on the GNWKCF website and then select the Logan County Hansen Community Fund for the application to be routed properly.

The GNWKCF holds LCCF community grant funds that have been contributed to our community on behalf of the Dane Hansen Foundation.   Our local LCCF board reviews all applications and the GNWKCF releases funds to grant recipients after the LCCF board’s decision has been made.

Does my organization Qualify?

LCCF Grants are made to the following organizations:

  • Nonprofit organizations exempt from federal taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
    Please note – many nonprofit organizations fall under a different IRS tax code that are not eligible. If applying as a non—profit, please confirm that your organization is a 501(c)(3) before applying.
  • Educational Institutions
  • Governmental Institutions
  • Religious Institutions

Grants cannot be made to individuals or businesses.

What are the criteria are used
to evaluate applications?

Grants must address an issue in one of the following categories:

  • Education: Enhances the learning environment and expands opportunities for students. Provides increased self-reliance on personal life skills and the creation of a capable workforce.
  • Health Care: Enhance access to quality health care services and promotes healthy life practices.
  • Community Social Services & Security: Enhance access to social services needed for individuals with special needs or support systems to provide community disaster relief and general community emergencies.
  • Conservation & Environment: Support efforts to improve and maintain high air and water quality, appreciation for our natural environment or enhances economic and social benefits of outdoor resources.
  • Arts & Culture: Provide cultural and artistic opportunities to enhance the quality of life for local residents and/or to encourage tourism and the exchange of ideas.
  • Community Beautification: Support efforts to improve and maintain public spaces to enhance community pride and encourage socialization among residents.

LCCF Board Members review grants using the criteria in the table below:

Has the grant applicant participated in the Logan County Community Foundation’s Strategic Doing process?

Preference will be given to applications that utilize the Strategic Doing process and address county and/or community goals created through citizen asset mapping and visioning. Consideration should also be given to applications that include community involvement and volunteerism.

Is the grant request for an initiative outside of regular budgeting for your organization?

  • Grants shall not be used to reduce or replace regular budgetary needs for programs or projects that are tax-supported.
  • Grants are not awarded for endowment or general operating expenses.
  • Grants are not to be used for “Match Day” programs.

When are applications reviewed?

The LCCF Board meets on the second Wednesday of every month, and reviews applications submitted by the 1st of that month.   It is the board’s intent to notify grant applicants of the board’s decision as soon as possible after each monthly meeting, and not later than the end of the calendar month in which the application was reviewed.

Applicants are notified by e-mail of an award or decline.  Applicants will also be notified by e-mail if the committee chooses to table the application until the following month, which is usually due to the committee wanting additional information.

How large are your grants?

Grants may be requested between $100 and $10,000.   If your organization is seeking an amount in excess of $10,000, we recommend making an application directly to the Dane Hansen Foundation, and would be happy to assist you in evaluating and crafting your grant.

What Documents will be required?

  • List of your organization’s board members and their board positions
  • Recent financial statement (i.e. – income statement, balance sheet, annual spending budget) – not a full audit report
  • Budget sheet for project breakdown
    Note: Please download and complete this form: GNWKCF-Hansen-Budget-Sheet
  • If you are a non-profit organization, you must submit your organization’s IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter
    Note: Governmental, Educational or Religious Entities do not need to submit this letter
  • Letters of support are generally not required but HIGHLY encouraged. Up to three letters may be added.

What is required after funds are received?

A final project report will be required from all grant recipients. In addition to answering questions on the project and how the funding was used, you will be required to provide the following:

  • Receipts / Financial accounting of how the funds were used, and
  • At least one photograph (up to three allowed) of the final project. Please note that we enjoy photos with PEOPLE in them rather than just equipment. When you upload a picture with people in it, you are consenting to allow us to use the photo in marketing materials and/or social media. Do not upload pictures of individuals without consent.
  • The due date for your final report is set 30 days after your project is complete based on your estimated timeline as noted within your application.  A request for extension may be allowed with sufficient reasoning.

What if we do not use all of the funds granted?

Unused grant funds for the stated project must be paid back to the Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation, which will then be credited back to the Logan County Community Foundation’s community grant fund.